Kelsey Hughen
Therese Ronco
Lilly Thurman
Laney Phillips
Fay Leonard

As of 2023, Spaces of Fontana has launched in Austin, TX. We are always seeking dancers, artists, musicians and collaborators to create work.
If you are interested in moving with us to create art rooted in hope email and attend our Tuesday class held at 12 pm at The Dance Spot.

We are a collaboration of dancers, musicians and visual artists

united to explore improvisation, contemporary partnering and somatics to bring life to our understanding of a human experience.

Over the years we have had the pleasure of collaborating with around 25 talented artists.
Previous dancers
Cordarrel White
Thryn Saxon
Emily Floyd
Du’bois A’keen
Kristina Bermudez
Brittni Genovese
Jamison Goodnight
Isabelle Rosso
Leo Torelli
Jason Fowler
Kristi Cole
Erke Roosen
Yuki Fukui
Nick Rodriguez
Caleb Marshall
Kristina Bermudez
Arzu Salman
Gillian Abbott
where did they come from, where did they go?
Spaces of Fontana has auditioned over 200+ dancers. Of the dancers that we've had the pleasure of creating with, 8 have choreographed their own works, 5 are in nationally performing and touring companies, 3 have launched their own companies, 2 are performing on Broadway or Off-broadway shows and 1 performed for MET Opera.

meet the collaborators

Kelsey Hughen - Singer Songerwriter
​Paulo Almeida - Musician
Justin Gonzalez - Musician
Cy Meisler - Musician
Brenda Petro - Artist
*Kenneth Petro - Artist
Brett Hecksher - Lighting Designer
Sarah Huyck - Lighting Designer
Megan Callaghan - Business Advisor
Ashley Tillman - Intern